Sunday, September 26, 2010

MICE photos

Photos from the Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo. (No photos of actual mice, I'm sorry.)

The durian story I mentioned a while ago has been published in Inbound 5, put together by the BCR. As the BCR also co-hosted MICE, a table with stacks of Inbound 5 was arranged near the entrance.

I tabled with Jesse Lonergan.

I visited a table with a furry hat thing. One of the people behind the table, Betsey Swardlick, said I should put it on.

(In the background on the left, you can see Cathy laughing.)

Another tangent of silliness ---

Above: there was an extra spot at my table, so I decided to display a copy on Inbound 5 there, with a sign saying I had a story in the book (as did my neighbor).

As the festival continued, I also thought it would be fun to have people sign the book (as many of the contributors were wandering around). I didn't have other copies of the book on me, so I grabbed my display copy and gave it to people.

However, the labels (which I'd left on) did not go un-noticed.

I suppose I will just have to keep the labels on this copy of Inbound 5, or it won't make much sense. And I suppose I will be forever reminded of my hapless attempt at self-promotion.

Anyway, it was a fun day!

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