Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sleeping Dogs

Some dogs visited the office where I work. Patty commissioned me to draw them.

Here's a sketch of Waldo....

And here's Kiko.
(Waldo in background)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Here is a damselfly that I found hanging around my kitchen, a while ago.

(It's alive, by the way)

On less pleasing news…. This is the state that my apartment has reached, concerning rats.

(Click on the screenshots below, if the Craigslist posting has expired.)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cousin Collaboration Comics

I have added a few updates to my website, including a handful of daily cartoons and oddball cartoons; the albatross graphic and other things from blog entries; and miscellaneous touch ups.

And now . . . a collaboration-doodle-comic thing with cousins! (click for larger view)

Also a doodle-jam page from the Boston Comics Roundtable. Available in two orientations for easy viewing.

Doodlers include Lindsey, James, Dan and me. (In the corner, some brush marker test scrawl left by Gareth)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Bucket of Dead Rats is GONE!

My apologies for anyone who doesn't know the backstory.... but I just wanted to say, I came back from Atlanta and I saw that the bucket of dead rats next to my apartment is GONE! FINALLY! Gone Gone Gone!

(No, I don't know where it went to. I'm assuming a human finally disposed of it. But maybe the heat catalyzed the decomposing bucket, causing it to sprout mutant legs and waddle off to quietly terrorize another apartment.)

But at any rate, the bucket of dead rats is not in the parking lot anymore, which is all that matters for the moment. I should declare this week a holiday.

I should also move out from this sublet soon, before the bucket decides to come back.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Albatross Process

My cousin asked me to create a graphic for his new business, "Albatross Process".

(click here for Albatross Process website and the final logo Alan created.)

Given the nature of the business and the choice of animal as a symbol . . . . rather cheerful logo on the website, isn't it? It's a deliberate entrepreneurial decision by Alan and his partner, to stand out from the other New York City legal processing services. They had several clients in their first week of business, so it seems to be working.


Also -- yesterday was my birthday, huzzah!